Pain and nerve irritation of the scalp (TRICODINIA) are skin manifestations that affect people of both sexes, although the majority of cases see women suffer from them frequently.
Pain canò be spontaneous or caused by chemical treatments unsuitable for the skin type. È felt on the scalp at the root of the hair.
Può be moreù or less intense, alternating with periods of disappearance, associated with burning, tingling or itching.
Difficult to determine the cause, it very often increases when touching the hair or combing, and trichodynia is often associated with hair loss.
In the long term, there are unequivocal correlations between skin pain and both acute and chronic hair loss, between telogen effluvium and trichodynia, and between seborrhoeic alopecia and the constant sensation of pain or irritation on the scalp.
There is a great correlation between the emotional component and trichodynia: nervousness, stress and anxiety are often found associated with the appearance of pain and itching of the scalp with subsequent possible hair loss.
Other pain triggers are hyperseborrhoea, which leads to seborrhoeic dermatitis, inflammation and skin irritation, and oily dandruff, which irritates the scalp by deteriorating follicular activity.
Scalp pain canò occur in conjunction with scalp folliculitis: a form of acne that affects the skin of the hair, resulting in erythematous reactions, pain, itchy skin, with the appearance of furuncles and pustules.
During the inflammatory process, the erector muscles of the hair forced into abnormal positions for a long time can cause pain. The erector muscles and hair follicles can thusì inflammation leading to a deep skin inflammatory process.
Another cause of trichodynia canò be the neuro-muscular inflammation of the skin hypersensitive to the tendency to grind one's teeth especially at night (bruxism), resulting in the contraction of the temporomandibular musculature, which over time involves the cranial nerves causing headaches and painful skin sensitivity.
Trichodynia should be treated with trichological paths that aim to soothe and calm the overexcitation of the surface nerve endings. Attenuating the surface tension results in a cascade relaxation of the deep neuro-muscular tensions with a beneficial psycho-physical rebalancing.
Lotions and shampoos must be used to cleanse the skin of any impurities or bacteria that cause inflammation, to soothe and calm any irritation and overexcitation of the nerve endings, and consequently calm the pain.
Once the sensation of pain has subsided è It is advisable to use remedies against hair loss to stimulate bulb activity and regenerate the dermal structures supporting the bulb itself.
Contacting a qualified professional is always the best choice when dealing with concerns related to the health of your skin and hair. Whether you are uncertain about the nature of any abnormalities or simply want confirmation, an expert can make all the difference. A timely and accurate diagnosis is a crucial step for the well-being of your skin and hair, providing you with peace of mind and an appropriate treatment plan.